We are gaining a lot of experience in Kubernetes for long years now. Most of the experience we gained from our own Kubernetes-Installer which is installing Kubernetes natively with all needed components on a simple Laptop with no need of any additional infrastructure and costs.

Our installer is providing a fully functional Kubernetes Cluster the-hard-way, means it does not rely on any helpers like Minikube, kubeadm, OpenShift, Rancher or other HELM-Projects which is supporting an installation but is hiding a lot of information.

The focus is to understand Kubernetes down to the smallest detail, simply on a Laptop, completely undisturbed from a centrally organized Kubernetes Cluster.

With this cluster we are testing different components, like CNIs, around Kubernetes in different settings bevor we start to change a setting in a release process of Kubernetes. This speed up a change in Kubernetes because you collect experience before you start to change a release of Kubernetes.

Our installer is providing

  • a fully functional virtualized Server Cluster on a laptop or other devices,
  • a Kubernetes-Cluster with a free to chose setup for the Nodes for the Control Plane and the Worker-Nodes,
  • all Kubernetes components for the Control Plane like Kubernetes ApiServer, -Scheduler and Management-Controller, ETCD … and for the Worker-Nodes the Proxy and the Kubelet,
  • a complete Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for Kubernetes provided by OpenSSL. It begins with the creation of a root ca-certificate for the authentication and HTTPs communication with and within Kubernetes,
  • an IP-configuration of Kubernetes for Pods, Services but also to allow access to Kubernetes from outside,
  • all needed additional components for Networking (CNI), CRI, DNS, IngressControlling, LoadBalancing, StorageClasses, … ,
  • a routing for isolated networks with a separation of the ControlPlane and the Worker,
  • a NFS for testing StateFullSets with a StorageClass.

We are testing Kubernetes undisturbed from others

  • with different Cluster setups (amount of the nodes),
  • with different Kubernetes Versions or different OperatingSystems for the Nodes,
  • with different CRIs like ContainerD, Docker …,
  • with different CNIs like Calico, Cilium …,
  • with different IngressController, LoadBalancer, Alpha and Beta-Components of Kubernetes-Resources …,
  • in different security levels, e.g. with SELinux on the OperatingSystem, with auditing or enforcements (e.g., ValidationWebhooks),
  • with our applications, HELM scripts, ….

This Kubernetes is running on every Laptop

We will support you with

  • an introduction to VirtualBox, Vagrant and Ansible
  • a deep explanation of every installation step and component of Kubernetes,
  • a setup of your laptop or other devices,
  • an installation and testing of your components,
  • help to analyse the behaviour of Kubernetes in case of Problems with a changed setting,
  • adaptation of the installation process to the components used in your Kubernetes environment.

Currently supported components

In our installer we can demonstrate the following components in the current available version:

Type name short description link
K/V-Store etcd Core component of Kubernetes to store all data of Kubernetes Link
K8S kube-apiserver Core component of the control-plane to allow an interaction with Kubernetes Link
K8S kube-controller-manager Core component of the control-plane to organize a running Kubernetes Link
K8S kube-scheduler Core component of the control-plane to deployment of Pod to the Nodes of a Kubernetes-Cluster Link
CRI containerd Runtime Engine for the container within a Kubernetes-Pod Link
K8S kubelet Core component of a worker node to organize the pods within a worker node of a Kubernetes-Cluster Link
K8S kube-proxy Core component of a worker for the network of K8S-Services Link
DNS CoreDNS DNS Server for Kubernetes Link
LoadBalancer MetalLB LoadBalancer for Kubernetes for BareMetal Installations Link
CNI, LoadBalancer, Ingress Cilium Application to establish and to secure a network and to provide LoadBalancer and IngressController capabilities Link
CNI Calico Application to establish and to secure a network within Kubernetes Link
CNI Flannel Application to establish a network within Kubernetes Link
Ingress NGINX A proxy to allow external access to Kubernetes. Link

You want to see different components? Get in touch.

All components are using an TSL-Certs as a server certificate (“https”) or for client authentication, if needed.

The installation does not take long

Here you see the installation process of the Kubernetes Cluster in ~ 5 min.-:

Are you interested? Let's arrange a call.

Jörn Kleinbub

YOTRON GmbH is founded by Jörn Kleinbub. A consultant for data management, IT automation, DevOps and cloud management with experience in a wide range of project for a lot of different customers in different sectors.

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